There are four tokens, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, and they're designed so that their prices will oscillate around one another over the course of years. This is so that investors can take advantage of the predictable changes in price. They can trade the more expensive tokens for a greater number of the cheaper ones. Those cheaper tokens will become the most expensive later on, making it possible to trade them for a greater number of tokens once again. This allows investors to keep increasing the number of tokens they own.
The investment will grow in value even if the market prices of the tokens don’t rise over the long term, because the number of tokens in the investment increases with every trade. The oscillating prices give the tokens an investment value that doesn't depend on the prospect that they'll be worth more in the future.
Issue date: 2022/09/05
Total supply: 9,617,496
Circulation: 9,617,496
Official email: info@seasonaltokens.org
Project website: https://seasonaltokens.org/
White paper: https://github.com/seasonaltokens/seasonaltokens/blob/main/whitepaper/whitepaper.md
Block explorer: https://etherscan.io/token/0xf04aF3f4E4929F7CD25A751E6149A3318373d4FE